Help?!? what shall I do?

2014-04-30 7:18 pm
There's this teacher in school and I've had since September and since then we've never got along on good terms. he's always been mean to me and nice to everyone else in my class, he's always shouting at me, calling my name, trying to start an argument with me and keeps me behind "to talk to me" while everyone else goes to lunch or break and my class mates think that he fancies me that's why he picks on me and keeps me behind. I always ignore him, I hardly speak to him cause we both end up having an argument. While he's picking on me front of my class mates, after awhile he comes by my desk and tries to start a conversation acting like nothings happened but I Ignore him like I said before and he tries to start an argument so he can keep me behind and it's just so annoying that he never shouts or picks on anyone else. I don't know what to do or what to think. The other day I asked him why does he keep on saying my name and he replied back saying "I don't know anyone else's name" which is a lie! And like every time when I see him around school he's always like hi and smiling at me like nothing's happened and he never says hi to my other class mates, he also has a girlfriend and today he kept me behind and said that "both of us need to change and get along" and I said that im not the one who needs to change he is and walked out. And he started to laugh?
I don't want my family to know about this and I don't know if I should tell the teachers what if its all a misunderstanding??

回答 (2)

2014-04-30 7:35 pm
Talk to your guidance counselor or a trust worthy teacher and don't be afraid to go to the principal if needed. :)
2014-04-30 7:24 pm
You already asked this question two hours ago. You should stop trolling.

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