
2014-05-01 5:01 am

最重要grammar不要錯~ 謝謝各位!!

回答 (3)

2014-05-01 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, the bit of the drill must be correctly assembled to the gripping head. Otherwise, the hole drilled would deviate from the intended position. The correct way of assembly is to insert the bit vertically to the gripping head, inside which are three pieces of mount. Then, lock and fix the bit with the help of the gripping head's handle with even force. The bit would be a bit different according to the material it is intended to be used for, for example, wood, metal, cement and ceramic tiles. And this time, I would introduce the bit for cement work.
2014-05-01 5:30 am
First, you need to put drill to the contact head correctly. If the drill is crooked, the hole that will be drilled too. The way is to insert the drill to the contact head straightly, the contact head have three retaining brackets inside,you can use the handle of the contact head to let the drill to become firm. The drill can use on woodworking, metal,cement,brick ... And the drill that I introduce to you is the one use on cement.
2014-05-01 5:16 am
You must first drill bit properly on Chuck, bit loading up drill out of the hole was crooked. Approach is to insert the drill bit straight into chucks, Chuck has three mounting piece, Chuck locking lugs evenly drill bit fixed. Drill bits can be divided into woodworking, metal, cement, tiles of different kinds. I introduce drill cement.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 21:21:13
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