
2014-04-30 1:12 am
讀health science有咩出路?
讀social science定係nursing好?

回答 (2)

2014-05-07 9:07 pm
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健康科學 Health Science 有咩出路?

【明報專訊】近年,香港對醫護人員的需求不斷增加,相信讀護理學也是不錯的出路。不過Dr DSE認為入這行最重要的條件,還是同學的興趣和幫助病人的熱誠。


2014-05-07 13:16:13 補充:
health science或者nursing都各有好處,最重要是醫管局認可。

至於social science海外學歷的認受性相對較低,不建議。

2014-05-07 13:17:11 補充:
health science或者nursing都各有好處,最重要是醫管局認可。
health science或者nursing都各有好處,最重要是您所讀的課程要是醫管局認可。
2014-04-30 1:46 pm
Health Science and Nursing is very demanding occupation in USA and Canada, they pay good salary. Social Science is a hell in these two country, technically, you can't find a job if you are major in Social Science.

I don't know much about Hong Kong, because I left many years already. But for sure, nursing is a good income job in HK too. Health Science is not too popular in HK, but is very useful and good income in USA and Canada. Social Science in Hong Kong is very low pay and hard working job. If you want to help people, not income oriented, Social worker is a good return in terms of your relayed major. With a RN (Registered Nurse degree). you will very easily find a job and apply for immigrant.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:28:52
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