Certified correct

2014-04-29 6:01 am

Certified correct & certified True Copy使用時有何分別?請指教。謝!

回答 (3)

2014-04-30 2:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最大的分別, 一個是 證明 correct (正確, 無錯誤), 一個是證明 true copy (真實副本)

Certified correct = 證明是正確;經核查證明無錯誤
這個多應用在 accounting (會計學,清算帳目), financial statements 上, 去 certify 的人多是 qualified accountant (C.A., C.P.A., C.G.A etc)
在某 engineering project上, 需要 chartered engineer/professional engineer 核查證明無錯誤

Certified True Copy = 經證實的真實副本

這個多應用在不同的文件上, 尤其是 legal documents.
例如: Birth/Marriage/Death certificates, (出生/结婚/ 死亡 證明書), Academic Diploma/Certificate (文憑,畢業證書)

Frequently, several people or organizations need to hold a particular document. For instance, a prospective employer may require proof that a person holds a qualification required for that particular job. The original document would normally be retained by the owner, so a photocopy may be accepted by the employer if it is certified as a true copy.

這些證明書, 政府, 大學只發一份, 真實原裝正本只得一份
要多份, 只有 photocopy正本, 蓋章簽署那份副本, 證實是真, 是發出部門簽署, 不是任何人簽署, 在外國要收費用
在外國, 你向政府在不同的部門申請某事, 你不想給正本, 恐寄失, 便要Certified True Copy 代替
一是拿去正本給政府公務員過目,當場 photocopy一份, 他或她在後面副本簽字, 寫上日期, 蓋章, 是Certified True Copy, 正本自己保存
二是拿去律師, 法官, 醫生, 教授, 太平紳士 (J.P.) 簽署證明, 誰人 qualified 去 certify, 每個國家每個部門需求不同, 看辦什麼事

注意一點 Certified True Copy 不是 certified correct
Certified True Copy 只是證明影印份正本 , 正本是否真偽是另一回事
某國家大學出的英文證書, 中間可能變了 "A貨", 難怪別人國家大學要所有的foreign students 接受當地英文測驗, 再評估英文水平.

2014-04-30 08:41:17 補充:
sandpaper = 沙紙

回答者的文憑是 sandpaper 造?
2014-04-29 5:34 pm
講明certified 即是要有蓋章簽署加註事項。
2014-04-29 4:34 pm
(1)Certified correct=Patients' medicine+tablets must be certified correct before they eat and take them.
---The accounts are certified as correct by a private accountant !

(2)Certified True Copy is to state in writing that something is correct;eg:-He handed her a piece of sand-paper.This document is to certify DSE that she has got is a true copy.If some engineers are qualified to work in the engineering profession,then they have Certified True Copies issued,stated,officially.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:33:34
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