Is McDonald's unhealthy?

2014-04-27 6:35 pm
I really hope it's not! A lot of times after school I will get it, but I didn't know if it was too unhealthy to get it at LEAST twice a week! Plus, I always get the double cheese burger, french fries, and a coke, so is that a unhealthy choice off the menu?

@The Greatest Pig To Soon Die Did you just call me lower class? :0

回答 (29)

2014-04-27 6:38 pm
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Its not too bad. The French Fries and anything else deep fried, it probably the only thing there that would be unhealthy if you ate them every day. For the young it really isn't much of an issue unless you have weight problems.

People my age (47 and older) have to worry about cholesterol as it can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
2014-04-27 6:44 pm
Not as bad as texting and driving.
2014-04-27 6:37 pm
Sadly, yes, it is. Getting it twice a week is very unhealthy.

I, though, don't eat at McDonalds because it's too lower class. HO HO HO.

(No seriously, find another place to eat in, which also gives chips and burgers but not unhealthy ones like in McDonalds)
2014-04-27 6:39 pm
Yes, it is unhealthy. Eating it once in a while is okay, but twice a week is bad.
2014-04-27 7:29 pm
It is probably one of the worst things you could eat. Of course it is unhealthy....
2014-04-27 6:43 pm
def. even the salad is worse than most of the other items due to the high calorie dressing
2014-04-27 6:41 pm
Generally, YES. But don't they have salads now? Still, just b/c it's a salad doesn't mean it's healthy. Too much cheese, croutons, salad doused in dressing, make salads unhealthy.
2014-04-27 6:41 pm
Yes it is because the drink is just mixed with carbon dixoide and soda syrup, french fries consist of their unhealthy salt and grease and the cheese burger has more grease, artifical cheese and other unhealthy items. If you want to start eating healthy you could still go to McDonalds but I wouldnt recommend it twice a week. They have sometimes some healthy salads or wraps. If you like to have healthy choices and a treat why not try Timmies (Tim Hortons) they have a great selection of healthy foods and doughnuts.
2014-04-27 6:37 pm
Yes really unhealthy probably the worst food you can eat.
2014-04-27 6:53 pm
2014-04-27 6:39 pm
No **** it's unhealthy.
2014-04-27 6:42 pm
Yes! You unhealthy cow! You'll be sooo fat and you'll be wondering why and you'll ask a question saying why am I so fat and we could say, "well you at McDonald's like twice a week. So yeah, you'll be an unhealthy, fat cow.
2014-04-27 6:35 pm
did you just discover them yesterday?
2014-05-03 8:54 pm
2014-05-03 1:31 pm
2014-05-02 1:09 pm
2014-04-30 8:29 am
2014-04-30 5:04 am
2014-04-29 2:15 pm
2014-04-29 3:18 am
2014-04-28 7:24 pm
You can get all the nutrition information off their website and decide if it's unhealthy or not...

Here's the double cheese burger...

Click on the nutrition button.
2014-04-28 5:33 am
It's an issue of balance, moderation and portion control.
If you make more healthier food choices the majority of the time, the occasional indulgence is not so bad

When you choose that Mcdonalds meal what else do you eat during the day? - vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, lean meat, fish, wholegrains etc, or are you eating other processed/less healthy food.
Are you getting adequate nutrition - like protein, fibre, healthy fats, minerals etc - or not?
Is that Mcdonalds meal contributing to a calorie excess or not?

In my personal opinion, eating Mcdonalds frequently is an unhealthy habit, in particular your chosen meal combination.

On a positive note, habits can be replaced, if you want to/or feel the need to change them.
Perhaps you could eat there less often, or choose a smaller size, say no to the fries, or choose healthier options.
Not sure about which might be healthier?, Mcdonalds should provide info in-store about the calorie counts of their food.
Or try buying or making healthier, yet still tasty, alternatives to fast food.
2014-04-28 5:20 am
Most nutrition experts agree that you should never eat McDonald's
2014-04-27 8:26 pm
2014-04-27 7:17 pm
2014-04-27 6:48 pm
Yes it is unhealthy Lol haven't you ever seen the super size me video
2014-04-27 6:39 pm
Very unhealthy, a large fry has over 2,000 calories. That's like all of your daily calorie intake. Although eating a small amount every so often isn't going to kill you.
2014-04-27 6:38 pm
2014-04-27 6:40 pm
It nourishes you, right?

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