Has anyone taken a family on a long Amtrak ride?

2014-04-27 12:30 pm
Next year I am taking my family from Chicago to El Paso to visit family. I will most likely drive and it is a 24 hour trip which I will break up into 2 days travel. Just for fun I found myself looking at Amtrak as an alternative and the price is 1200 dollars round trip for all 6 of us. More than I would like to spend, but again, I'm just looking for the fun of it. The problem is it's a 48 hour train ride and all 6 of us would have coach seats. That's a LONG time in a coach seat! I know nothing about train travel, but I assume there is a dining car. But what about bathing/shower? Seems there will be a lot of stinky people by the end of the trip! Anyway, I'm completely ignorant of train travel and would like as much info as anyone can provide. Google has been no help at all.

回答 (4)

2014-04-27 12:56 pm
Actually, Chicago to El Paso is more like 1500 miles. By the time you figure in food and rest stops for 6 people, plus the inevitable traffic jams and construction delays on the highways, you're looking at 3 days on the road (In each direction!)

I did a trip from North Dakota to Seattle a few years ago. 48 hours in an Amtrak coach seat should be considered as cruel and unusual punishment. Especially if you have children along. There is no place for them to play and no place for them to get up and run around. The dining car is expensive, and the quality of food is not all that good. There are no showers for coach passengers.

If you MUST travel by train, spend the extra money on a private room in a sleeping car.
2014-04-27 2:26 pm
get sleeper then the meals in the dinning car
are included
2014-04-27 6:24 pm
Some friends of mine have posted a riders guide to what you can expect when riding on Amtrak.

It can be accessed here:
2014-04-27 6:06 pm
Get a room. It does not have to be for all 6 if you have a budget issue. Meals? You pay for meals on the road too. Each bathroom stop adds 30 minutes each meal takes an hour.

Two 12 hour days in the car? That is just driving time One driver or two? ARE WE THERE YET? Will you stop for Gas? I HAVE TO......?
How about a meal? Roadside fast food or a plated meal?

Hotel Motel for 6 One room or two STOP FIGHTING BACK THERE. OH right your route will be the day with no construction no accidents no weather issues and......More realistic to plan on three driving days the last one short. Do you really want to arrive exhausted from a long day of driving.

Deodorant a change of clothes or two if necessary. The stench is reducible. You can get up and walk around. The lounge car,dining car. Everyone does not have to do things together Can do the child thing in shifts. To break up the train time. Special time with Mom or Dad going for a walk to some other part of the train. Worried about seat comfort? Think of butt in seat of car for 11 hours.

TRY You tube
Dining Car serving fresh complete meals and spectacular views from our renowned Sightseer Lounge Car. Two places to break up your ride and change seats.

As the train travels at SEE level the driver gets to enjoy the scenery too and not just the dotted line and the car in front of them. I'M HUNGRY. ARE WE THERE YET??

No rush hour traffic St Louis or Oklahoma City either. Driving into the setting sun two days hard on the eyes too.

Imagine sitting with the wee one reading a wild west story as you ride off to sunset watching things go by or having to unpack the car at your rest stop for the night.Then the morning routine to get everyone back into the car.

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