what is Taurus?

2014-04-27 11:27 am
I am a gemini near to Taurus. I like to know about Taurus.

回答 (5)

2014-04-27 8:40 pm
Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is all about reward. Unlike the Aries love of the game, Taurus loves the rewards of the game. Think physical pleasures and material goods, for those born under this sign revel in delicious excess. They are also a tactile lot, enjoying a tender, even sensual, touch. Taurus adores comfort and likes being surrounded by pleasing, soothing things. Along these lines, they also favor a good meal and a fine wine. The good life in all its guises, whether it's the arts or art of their own making (yes, these folks are artistic as well), is heaven on Earth to the Taurus-born.

It's the Bull that serves as the Taurus's mascot, and along with that comes the expectation that these folks are bull-headed and stubborn. Yes, they are. Hey, this sign has a Fixed Quality attached to it after all, so expect that things will occasionally grind to a halt. That said, Taurus doesnÕt start out with the intention of getting stuck. They simply want to get things done, and it's that steady, dogged persistence that winds up being viewed as stubbornness. Bulls are actually among the most practical and reliable members of the zodiac, and they are happy to plod along, as it were, in pursuit of their goals. The good news for Bulls is that once they get to the finish line, they'll swaddle themselves in material goods. A self-indulgent beast? Perhaps, but if you toiled as laboriously as these folks do, you'd need some goodies, too.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, a lovely goddess who didn't deny herself many things. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure, and Taurus has pretty much taken up where she left off. Bulls are fond of all things pretty, whether it's in their home, at a museum or on the stage. Life as one sweet pas de deux is how the Taurus-born like it. To onlookers, this may look like so much materialism and blessed excess, but Bulls really aren't interested in living without beauty in their lives. Beauty to the Bull also comes in the way of a happy home life, one that includes a partner and a stable relationship.

Taurus values harmony in their personal lives, so they'll work hard on keeping their mate happy. The Bull's penchant for sensual pleasures, of course, can only help things along! Bulls can also be the sappiest of sentimentalists. Will all this overweening attention to their mate turn a Bull into a possessive mess? Probably not, although these folks do have to manage their tendency to latch on a bit tight. At the end of the day, however, TaurusÕs are true romantics and loyal to the core.

The Element associated with Taurus is Earth. No pie-in-the-sky for these practical folks, since they'd much rather be on terra firma. Bulls tend toward conservatism, and this is often seen in their day-to-day behavior. No far-out schemes (that's Air) or shrieking ultimatums (more like Fire) here. Taurus much prefers to take each day slowly and steadily and work toward their ultimate goal. Along these lines, those born under this sign are happy to stick with their projects until they have reached a successful conclusion. They are also extremely patient and dependable along the way. Does that sound earthy enough? The only kink in this well-oiled chain is the heckler in the gallery that tries to upbraid the Bull. These folks may not have a hair-trigger temper, but it's short enough. Bulls in a hissy fit can get pretty argumentative, but eventually they'll calm down and come back to center, since these folks would much rather be Zen. The Earth in this sign does tend to act as a balancing mechanism so that things never get truly out of hand. For every one person who considers the Bull a pain, there are two who will say 'No way!' and happily take the Taurus' gentle charms any day.

Seeing as how Bulls are generally strong and well-built, it's no surprise that these folks enjoy testing their strength on the field of play. Expect to find a Bull engaged in a spirited game of hoops or mountain climbing. Hiking is also a favorite pastime, since it keeps Taurus close to their beloved earth. Indoor adventures are also favored by Bulls, which is why the opera or ballet is right up a Taurus's alley. When it comes to love, the Taurus-born are devoted, romantic and somewhat possessive. Their sensual nature has a way of erasing any mistakes! Since Taurus rules the neck and throat, Bulls would be wise to keep a silky scarf at hand, ideally in a warm (and soothing) earth tone.
2014-04-27 3:24 pm
I'm a Taurus man is possible that I get alone with Leo woman and can see eye to eye about anything else in life with love and support?
2014-04-27 3:18 pm
This is not real astrology, and the answers you get from calling someone a sign .. do not give you enough information to understand the person. It's like looking at a pic of their big toe, when you want to know what they look like. It is an accurate picture of their big toe, but they are so much MORE than their big toe, that the information in the pic is misleading.
Furthermore, you don't really care what their big toe looks like . you want to see the shape of their body and know what their face looks like.
The person's "sign" has NOTHING to do with their emotions or romantic behavior .. and that's what you want to know, isn't it?

So if you want to know how to get accurate information using astrology, read on:

First, you must do up his timed birth chart, using the day-month-year, hour-minute, and city-state-country of birth.. You will not get any accurate information using just the Sun sign, since that is only 6% of the entire personalty for this individual.

Taurus is that part of the ecliptic that is 30 to 60 degrees away from the place of the Spring Equinox.

Note: the ecliptic is the apparent ring on which the Sun, Moon, and other 8 planets of our solar system seem to move along. The Spring Equinox is where the Sun is when the it moves from the southern half of the sky to the northern half.
The astrological signs are NOT the constellations of stars.

You are asking about someone born while Sun was moving through Taurus. Every year, Sun enters Taurus SOMETIME on the day of either March 19th or 20th (depending on the year) and until sometime on the day of May 20th or 21st (depending on the year) when it moves out of Taurus and into the part of the ecliptic labelled "Gemini".
(btw, Gemini is that part of the ecliptic that is 90-120 degrees from the Spring Equinox).

So this person has Sun in Taurus. Easy to find using just the calendar.
But they are also their Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Each of these "planets" indicates a different part of their personality, a different inner need.

Moon is their emotional nature. You have to look at the sign Moon was in when they were born, the house, and the aspects that other planets make TO Moon.

Venus is their relationship style, values, and needs. Again, look at the sign, house, and aspects.

The 5th house is how they approach matters of romance .. look at the sign on the cusp of the 5th, any planets IN the 5th house (sign, aspects) and look at the "ruler" of the 5th .. it's sign, house and aspects.

That is only a starting point.
What you will get from this is a general style of what their inner needs are about romance.

If you want to know who they relate to YOU, you have to do up your birthchart as well, and look at all the synastry aspects between your chart and theirs. Signs do NOT indicate how you two react or interact with each other.

You might also want to look at his major Transits, Secondary Progressions and Solar Arcs. These show our temporary inner moods (lasting 2 hours to 3 years, depending on what the actual influence is). He might not be "in the mood" for love right now .. or he might be hot to fall hard right now.
No matter how good the synastry is between you, if he's not ready to be in love, nothing is going to happen.

Astrology is a lot of complex work .. but it doesn't control us. Unless we lack control and self-awareness, in which case it is pretty accurate. But more accurate about what's going on inside and far less accurate about what actions and behaviors and outer events happen.
2014-04-27 7:10 pm
a dull bull
2014-04-27 12:47 pm
As an earth sign is practical and responsible and expects her partner also same.For more info.

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