maths probability problems

2014-04-28 6:21 am
1. Given a standard deck of 52cards.(a) What is the probability that arandom poker hand of 5 cards contains all cards of the same suit? (b) What is the probability that arandom poker hand or 5 cards contains exactly two Kings, and the other threecards are all red with different values? (c) What is the probability that arandom poker hand of 5 cards contains a full house and four of the cards are inblack color?

回答 (2)

2014-04-28 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
No. of combinations without restriction
= 52C5

For the event to happen :
Select 1 suit from the 4 suits. (4C1)
Select 5 cards from the 13 cards of the suit. (13C5).

The required probability
= 4C1 x 13C5 / 52C5
= (4!/3!1!) x (13!/8!5!) / (52!/47!5!)
= 33/16660

For the event to happen :
Select 2 kings for the 4 kings. (4C2)
Select 3 values from the 13 values. (13C3)
Select 'heart' or 'diamond' for each of the 3 values. (2C1³)

The required probability
= 4C2 x 13C3 x 2C1³ / 52C5
= (4!/2!2!) x (13!/10!3!) x 8 / (52!/47!5!)
= 22/4165

For the event to happen :
(1) Select 1 value from the 13 values. (13C1)
(2) Select 2 black cards and 1 red card from the 4 cards of the value in (1). (2C2x 2C1)
(3) Select 1 value from the rest 12 values (12C1)
(4) Select the 2 black cards from the 4 cards of the value in (3). (2C2)

The required probability
= 13C1 x 2C2 x 2C1x 12C1 x 2C2 / 52C5
= 13 x 1 x 2 x 12 x 1 / (52!/47!5!)
= 1/8330
參考: 土扁
2014-04-28 6:56 pm
(b) 有機會抽 3 隻 KINGS……

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