2014-04-28 4:27 am
1. IELTS官網指其證書只有2年效用,其實是指該證書兩年後完全作廢,或是只建議院校/企業不考慮?
2. 我有本Cambridge出的IELTS 1的書,Copyright是寫1996年,會否與現今考試模式不切合?或是其實大同小異?如果是大同小異,有甚麼地方不同?


2. 你的意思是指IELTS 1的內容昰切合現今考試模式,對不對? Thanks!

回答 (1)

2014-04-28 10:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The answer is both:

a. Cambridge will no longer recognize any scores more than 2 years;

b. Cambridge does not recommend accepting scores more than 2 years ago.

Individual institutions and organization feel free to accept whatever they can (but usually they will abide what Cambridge suggests).

2. Definitely not.

2014-04-28 13:32:58 補充:
I mean no.

Buy a new book.

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