I want to start losing weight but I am lost! Help!?

2014-04-27 5:09 am
I am currently 19, weigh about 180 pounds, and am 5'8".
While I do not look overweight or awfully unappealing to be honest, I just want to lose some weight and start living a healthier and cleaner lifestyle.
I work out 3 times a week currently, about 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill or elliptical but I am seeing no progress.
I need something! A plan or something to put me on track!

I do not really have a weight goal but I would love to go back to about 140 pounds, that is where I felt happiest with my weight. Any tips? I know this can be a long and tedious process but I am definitely going to work my hardest.

I am looking for some type of healthy eating plan and workout routine that can get me on track here.

回答 (5)

2014-04-27 5:26 am
Every answer is good here but I would recommend being motivated first. Get on a diet plan and mild exercise. Make a vision board like http://www.healthfitnesscorner.com/category/mind-body/vision-board-weight-loss-and-health/ and stick with it.
2014-04-27 5:23 am
watch a youtube video called "why do we fall" from begening to end. it has 11million or so views. find out what you want and go get it. i promise this will help. also do p90x and or insanity
2014-04-27 5:20 am
Losing weight is about energy deficit. i.e. you eat less calories than you use everyday, for a considerable period of time. Working out can increase your calories expenditure everyday but eating less is also a key.

Working out more and eating less is the two most important thing in losing weight.

Try to learn about calories content of your food, maintain a lower than normal calories intake while maintain a balanced diet.

Maintain a routine is important, losing weight is not a one-day thing. You have to construct a plan, and execeute it.

Read more on NHS choice on losing weight, they are good references.

2014-04-27 5:19 am
Slowly ramp up how much and/or how intensely you exercise. That is the trick. Your body is lazy and will adapt as little as possible to any situation you put it in. It is already adapted to your current exercise routine, so you need to bump it out of its comfort zone again. Just don't kill yourself either, the progression can be slow as long as it exists.

As for eating, I don't really think that that is as important as exercise. Just don't absentmindedly snack on things and you should be ok as long as you are exercising enough.
2014-04-27 5:17 am
Start a workout plan and workout everyday. Get motivated and figure out what you want your body to look like in the end. Eat lots of greens and cut down on pasta and bread. Cardio is a great workout I completely recommend. Find some healthy recipes online to make, there are great recipes on woman's health! Most importantly enjoy cheat days! Hope this helps!

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