arithmetic series

2014-04-26 2:13 am
The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic series is 5/4n^2+7/4n,
find the first term of the series

回答 (3)

2014-04-26 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thefirst term

= Sum of the first one term

= (5/4)(1)² + (7/4)(1)

= (5/4) + (7/4)

= 12/4

= 3
參考: 土扁
2014-05-01 3:03 am
The first term
= Sum of the first one term
= (5/4) + (7/4)

= 12/4

= 3

2014-04-30 19:04:11 補充:
The first term
= Sum of the first one term
= (5/4)(1)² + (7/4)(1)
= (5/4) + (7/4)

= 3
2014-04-26 2:42 am

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