以下是該買家的文字, 他回覆得超快~
然後我又reply佢我要收到錢先寄貨, 佢又email番我話要"寄左貨比佢, 再將寄件証明發給他的銀行電郵先收到錢, 咁我而家係咪直情唔理佢就OK呢? 因為我肯定冇收到D錢!
Glad to inform you that have fulfilled my obligation by making
transfer to account details you sent to me. Please,kindly check your e
mail (INBOX and atimes it goes to the Spam or Junk mail ) for the
Payment confirmation from my Mobile e banking account, just got an
alert "Transfer Successful" Please contact closest post office
(Speedpost EMS or Normal Post) and send the item to address on Payment
receipt. Reply with a copy of scanned receipt by phone camera and mail
my bank
[email protected] i think in the next few hours you
ship, maybe before you get home.. your account would have been
credited and also my Bank will mail you.
JUDY: 你段文字同我見到的一樣呀!!但我覺得個銀行email超奇怪....佢冇理由會幫個客收埋寄件receipt架麻~~佢係咪叫你寄去上海/太古城呀? 佢叫Alan Ngaki???
Judy , Man Lun: 我仲check到佢個太古城地址係某間電腦公司tim!!! 仲有收件人名....呢個人都幾蠢~Judy你報左警喇? 佢都有我個bank acc no. . 不過我就冇比全名佢, 相信佢都做唔到d咩野ge...不過我覺得應該比個教訓呢個人!