『踏入人生另一階段 』ga英文係咩?

2014-04-24 6:22 pm
『踏入人生另一階段 』ga英文係咩?

回答 (7)

2014-04-24 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
English translation

『踏入人生另一階段 』
Two suggestions:
"Step to another stage in life."
"Ascend to another stage of life."

2014-04-25 07:32:42 補充:
『踏入人生另一階段 』並無明確說是「新(new)」或「新(fresh)」,翻譯包括新的字眼可能並非原意,所以我沒有翻譯「另一」為「新」。
「踏入人生另一階段」是從現階段「踏(step)」/「提升(ascend)」到另一個(another)「生命中的階段(stage in life)」/「生命的階段(stage of life)」,是繼續走生命的歷程。

2014-04-25 07:48:20 補充:
"turn over a new leaf" (to begin again, fresh; to reform and begin again改過,從新開始/ to start behaving in a better way開始做好些的人) - 「翻開新的一頁(葉)」帶有「開始改過自新」的′意思,似乎也不是『踏入人生另一階段 』包含的原意哩!
2014-04-28 4:20 am
Step into another stage of life
Step into another period of life
2014-04-27 11:04 am
The translation from C/E:-
embark (=entering) on another phase of life (=phase in life)
embark means to get onto---; put somebody onto---
eg:-He embarked his phase of life by getting married.(Chinese recognition)
eg:-The prisoner turned over a new leaf=to begin again on life after imprisonment.
"phase" means a stage in a process of change or development;the next phase of life
eg:-His anxiety about his marriage was just another passing phase of life.
eg:-The wedding marked the beginning of another phase in Emma Watson's life.
Keep up the good work .
2014-04-25 6:32 am
踏入人生另一階段 = embark on another phase of life
2014-04-25 2:18 am
其實 turn over a new leaf 這個 idiom 已經可以直接表達你的意思。

當然,如果你想跟回字面上的意思,那麼就是 enter another stage of my life

Begin a new journey in my life (開始人生中新的旅程)
Take a step forward in my life (在人生中向前踏出一步)
Live a new life (過新的生活)
Have a fresh start in my life (在我的人生中有新的開始)
2014-04-24 9:26 pm
『踏入人生另一階段 』ga英文係咩?to turn into a new page
2014-04-24 7:45 pm
Get into another stage of life

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