What happens if I go over $2,000 on SSI?

2014-04-24 5:19 am
I'm not sure what will happen if I reach over $2,000.

For example, I have a part time job, and worked 5 days a week. I'm trying to save money to move into an apartment.

Now, I was wondering what will happen if I reach over $2,000, will they deduct my income or what?

回答 (3)

2014-04-24 3:02 pm
If your available cash exceeds the SSI limit, you lose your benefits entirely.

I agree, it sucks, and is an artificially low limit. You get a limited amount of time to get back below the $2,000 cap. Do yourself a favor and either salt away cash or get cashier's checks or money orders so that the bank account balance stays below the cap.
2014-04-24 5:25 pm
If you work that much.............Social Security will STOP your SSI payments because you are working and therefore don't deserve a disability payment.
2014-04-24 5:00 pm
you will lose the SSI or be forced to spend anything over the $2K
I knew an elderly lady receiving SSI that the admin realized they had incorrectly paid her and made it up in a lump sum of over $4, this meant she could not do anything with it but spend on herself and her dwelling--could not hide it, give it to her daughter, etc
it ended up the daughter bought new appliances etc and did some work around the home to use up the dilemma caused by the mistake the SSA made

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 21:39:37
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