problem with left tricep after working out?

2014-04-24 3:48 am
I work out regularly and rep with 195. But lately ive had to go down because i everytime i push myself i feel a sharp pain in my left tricep. Near where it meets the shoulder. I am slightly worried as it is causing me pain and i am scared to workout for fear of hurting it more. I am willing to go to the doctor but i would like to see if it is something serious before i go. I was wondering if there is anything i can do to alleviate the pain or if it is something more serious.
Btw i am a fit 18 year old male.

回答 (2)

2014-04-24 3:56 am
if the pain has been there for more than 5 days then i suggest u go see a doctor.... there is a chance you have torn your muscle... if it is a joint pain then stop working out until you see the doctor otherwise you will be damaging it more
2014-04-24 3:57 am
Post exercise muscle soreness (normal 'growth' pain) should not last more than a few days. Always avoid working out that muscle group when you feel pain. In your case it seems that injury is likely and booking a GP is a right choice.

By the mean time, you should avoid working your affected muscle, REST them. You can alway seek help from your local pharmacy, they would advise you further what you can do before seeing your GP, and probably would recommend you some pain killer (eg paracetamol/ibuprofen) to relieve your pain.

Good luck.

This link may provide you further info:

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