is pineapple bad for asthma?

2014-04-24 3:41 am
my little sister is five year old. she just started having asthma and my mom is worried if pineapple is bad for her because she LOVES pineapple..

answer soon! thanks!!

回答 (3)

2014-04-24 3:47 am
Asthmatic can eat normally and should have a healthy diet as everybody else. However, certain asthma can be allergic, ie possibly triggered by allergen. Pineapple doesn't contain common allergen for human.

So she should be able to eat on, and a healthy diet should always include fruit and vegetable eg pineapple.

For more dietary and asthma related question, NHS choice is a good and reliable website:
2017-01-19 6:25 pm
Pineapple Asthma
2016-07-27 11:03 am
參考: Natural Treatment For Asthma :

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