✔ 最佳答案
I walked home at 10 o’clock last night.
I went to school at 10 o'clock yesterday morning
只用 past simple tense 便 OK, 不需要用 past continuous tense
Past continuous tense 表示過去某一個時間正在進行的動作
I was still working at 11 o’clock last night.
(and I continued working after that point.)
我現在講這話, 現在我不是工作
I was reading all day yesterday.
I was reading the whole evening.
這句子沒有表明過去哪一個傍晚, 暗示過去某一個傍晚
Past continuous 很多時與 past simple 並列一起用, 強調那動作正在進行中 (in complex sentence)
He was working at his computer when the power cut occurred.
(power cut = 停電)
He was using the vacuum cleaner and so he didn’t hear the doorbell.
(vacuum cleaner = 吸塵器)
Past simple tense 經常表示過去發生的動作/事件或存在的狀態
現在已不是, 很多時與過去的時間連用
We won the match yesterday.
I visited London last month.
He graduated from university ten months ago.
Past simple 有時沒有言及過去的時間, 從句子意會到事件或動作發生在過去時間
She was born in Hong Kong.
I didn’t attend kindergarten.
題外話, 順便一提:
historic present (narrative present) – the present simple tense when used with past reference. The device is often used to make narrative more vivid and immediate.
2014-04-24 21:08:48 補充:
To 回答者 CtC:
I am afraid that you got your tense mixed up and you forgot to use inversion and question mark.
"What WERE you doing at 10 o'clock yesterday morning?"
"What time DID you go to school yesterday morning?"
"How DID you go to school yesterday morning?"
2014-04-24 21:15:35 補充:
To 回答者 CtC:
.. OR
If you want to tell people what you WERE doing at 10 o'clock yesterday morning.....
If you want to say what time you WENT to school yesterday morning .......
If you want to say how you WENT to school yesterday morning ........