Does catnip repel spiders?

2014-04-23 7:12 am
We have brown recluses and Wolf spiders, as well as the occasional black widow, in our home. I would like to spray something around that neither repels our 3 indoor cats (as both lemon and lavender do, I've learned from trying both out) nor could harm them (tea tree or basil, along with a long list of harmful-to-cats oils).

I have read on multiple websites that catnip is a natural spider repellant. Then on others I read that it acts only to repel insects, rather than arachnids.

I'm about one day away from actual exterminators, which is what I normally do, around this time every year... there are too many spiders for me. No other bugs, I guess they ate them all, lol.

All I really care is not waking up to a poisonous spider on me. But I would like to go natural and not leave the house all day and smell poison for a week after.

回答 (5)

2014-04-23 5:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Catnip is an old wives tale. Spiders crawl all over it eating aphids and other insects drawn to it.

The best cure for spiders is to spray the Outside of your house around the foundation and where ever shrubs touch the house. If you spray the foundation, the spiders can't cross the invisible line of spray to get into your house. You can purchase the spray in a ready to use form that attaches to your garden hose and apply it yourself. All home improvement and garden shops will have the spray.

The problem with spray is it must be repeated every two weeks or it breaks down and is no longer effective.

Jimbo is not entirely correct. Spiders don't have noses like mammals. Spiders do have specialized hairs across their bodies that have specialized functions. Some of those hairs test the air for chemical molecules that stimulate your nose. They can detect smells, but in a different way than we do.
2014-04-23 7:38 am
I Had problems with very out sized spiders. Some were so big, they looked like they must have their own key. I still don't have a clue where they were coming in. I bought a pack of four, electronic sound emitters. They are safe to use as they are outside the frequency that animals and humans can hear. The ones I have, change tone every minute or so, to stop the bugs from getting used to them. I bought them when I did, because I also found I had an infestation of what is known as bacon bugs. They reckon they are hard to get rid of. After these things were set up for about two weeks, that was the end of it. I have not had one stray bug. A pal of mine, had an ant problem. I plugged in one of my emitters and we actually watched the ants disappear over a half hour. As soon as I unplugged it they were back again. I Think they can get rid small rodents also.
2014-04-23 7:20 am
Spiders don't smell...
2017-02-21 11:06 am
Catnip Repels
2014-04-23 7:16 am
I have a lot of catnip around and they are covered with insects and spiders. So i am not sure that it is a good repellent, I would have to see a study that demonstrates that ability before I accept that as a workable treatment for spider infestations.

There seems to be a product called Catnip oil, that is used as a repellent. see:

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