Why do people single out the Jews?

2014-04-22 1:51 am
There's always people claiming Ashkenazi Jews originated in Khazar.They're so focused on making sure people know Jews aren't from the Middle East .Of course every DNA test shows Jews everyewhere hava a common Levant origin. Ashkenazi Jews even have similar mutations as Palestinians that aren't found in European gentiles.

There's all sorts of attention on the internet trying to discredit the ancestry of Jews but nobody spends time discrediting people who have Irish ancestry or Finnish ancestry, etc .It's only Jewish ancestry that people try discrediting.The Jews
make up .1% of the world population yet they're always a hub for hatred.

Why do people tend to zero in on discrediting the ancestry of Jews with things like the long time debunked Khazar myth but not the ancestry of the other 99.999% of the world? It's truly bizzare.

回答 (8)

2014-04-22 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Christianity is based on stealing Jewish identity("the church is the new Israel","Christians are Jews is spirit/grafted into the covenant" bla bla), and if we didn't exist it would make the task just so much easier.

2. The world wants to erase us and since they failed the 2000 years of this attempt, today this is one of the ways to do it.
2014-04-22 1:54 am
I think the only people who single out the Jewish people nowadays are jewish people themselves still butt- hurt about what happened in the past.
2014-04-22 1:54 am
The British screwed up in Palestine. As a result, European Jews started moving and becoming the majority in western Palestine. This prompted the land to be renamed in the former dar al islam. Israel.
2014-04-22 2:18 am
Well anyone who gives themself the title of the Chosen Race, is why. This is Apartheid, which was outlawed.
2014-04-22 2:20 am
They are God's chosen people and Satan is against them. Most of the world worship Satan and therefor hate Jesus and attack the people he love.
2014-04-22 2:14 am
They are the only chosen people from God. They wrote the Bible. That is why
2014-04-22 1:57 am
Oh, there are an enormous number of folks who feel inferior, and who are desperate to
find someone who they can look down upon.

Jews make a good target. So do Blacks and Hispanics.

When you feel inadequate and are certain that the world hasn't treated you fairly, you can
have a lot of fun treating members of minorities like dirt.

It is one of the worst habits of social conservatives. Imagine how much taller a right-winger can
walk after he has said something insulting about homosexuals.
2014-04-22 1:56 am
They're an easily recognized group. Makes for a convenient scapegoat.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:06:41
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