Christians: Assuming you've read the bible...?

2014-04-22 12:12 am
Assuming you've read the bible, how did you determine that God was the good one and Satan was the evil one?

I've yet to have the opportunity have ask someone this face to face, so I thought I'd try here... brave proposition, I know. But I welcome all answers.

回答 (15)

2014-04-22 12:17 am
That is a pretty ridiculous assumption to make. Barely any Christians have read the Bible.
2014-04-22 11:14 pm
'The man who says there is no God is a fool'
2014-04-22 12:18 am
It's self evident.
2014-04-22 12:15 am
I am assuming you haven't
2014-12-20 10:06 pm
This is a good question, because Isaiah says that that the wicked see evil as good and good as evil. Then all satanists would see ??
2014-04-22 12:27 am
Excuse me God created the universe before human beings was even made. And Satan first appeared in the Garden of Eden. Satan was evil when Adam and Eve was in the Garden of Eden.
2014-04-22 12:21 am
Because the Devil introduced death to humanity. He's the reason why we all die, why your parents will die, why you will die and your children will die. He's the reason why families lament and cry as they cope with the great mystery of death.

Were it not for Satan's deception of the woman in the Garden, none of us would die.

The Devil is certainly no friend of mankind, regardless of whatever you may think about his relation with God.
2014-04-22 12:20 am
objective morality
2014-04-22 12:18 am
Because the Bible says so.

Like if Hitler told them that he was good, then killed millions of people, it makes it okay.
參考: Christian "Logic".
2014-04-22 12:15 am
I never personally knew a person to say this that was not either hateful or a pervert or both. And from that admittedly limited survey of society I have drawn the provisional rule : To talk mockingly and uncaringly about great evil can only be done by a person who is evil.

You can say I'm wrong but I am convinced.
2014-04-22 12:15 am
God gave us life to begin with and told us how to keep from ruining our lives
Satan deceived some humans, getting them to do things that ruined their lives.
2014-04-22 12:14 am
Thats clearly the case

Now then...

Jhn 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Isa 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
2014-04-22 1:02 am
I think it depends on your point of view and which side you read from.

Lucifer only told adam to eat from the tree of knowledge so we can essentially become human and have free will and intelligence. He does not judge us being human and having faults like god does and doesn't promise to punish us. He lost everything to oppose a powerful dictator and must have had a good case as he convinced 1/3 of the angels god created to also lose everything and be cast away to live in hell for eternity like he does with humans.

God also knew this would all happen and could easily changed his course of action at the very beginning but didn't and punishes us for it, regarding life as a huge "test" to see if we would believe an old book with no evidence and a lot of very rational arguments against it. Doesn't seem very fair and loving to me.

Either way I don't believe in God or Satan or any of the bible it is just interesting food for thought for me to ponder over.
2014-04-22 12:54 am
They can't blame their creator God so created Satan to blame.
2014-04-22 12:24 am
Actually Satan and God are the same!

"And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel and HE moved David against them to say , Go, number Israel...". 2 Samuel 24:1 KJV

"And SATAN stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel". 1 Chronicles 21:1 KJV

So when the Israel census was taken, was is God or Satan that ordered it? Seems like God IS Satan! Is this really the word of God, or a tale of men?

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