1.What a bunny does _ _ _(three words)
2.Not outside _ _ _ _ _ _(six words)
3.Where most birds lay their eggs _ _ _ _(four words)
4.A hop,skip,and____ _ _ _ _(four words)
5.The opposite of over _ _ _ _ _(five words)
6.Kids hunt these on Easter _ _ _ _(four words)
7.Those April showers are really this _ _ _ _(four words)
8.Sow these in spring for flowers in summer _ _ _ _ _(five words)
9.The season after spring _ _ _ _ _ _(six words)
10.A rabbit has big ones _ _ _ _(four words)
11.Plants need this and water to grow _ _ _(three words)
12.We celebrate Easter at the beginning of this season _ _ _ _ _ _(six words)
13. Not dead _ _ _ _ _(five words)
(This is about God or Jasus' phrase)
Phrase:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.(I think it's about easter)