I was sexually abused by my brother?

2014-04-20 8:45 pm
I know I should let this go because I was 12 and I'm 19 now, but my older brother had me go into my parents room and strip for him and he'd touch my chest and get handsy with me. And during it he'd tell me not to tell my mom or dad and to be quiet about it. He then did the same and FORCED ME to touch his dingy.. and I felt so idisgusted with this and him. And I felt extremely violated because it felt so wrong to me..now I'm having flashbacks to that what could have happened if I didn't tell. Please help..its gross and I can't get it out of my head. Should I tell a psychologist, because I'm scared.

回答 (6)

2014-04-20 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm sorry he did this to you. That's something NOONE deserves. All of the blame is on him, so you don't have to feel disgusting.

I'm glad that you're thinking about getting help - that's very good and brave of you. I highly recommend that you do set up an appointment with a therapist and work through this. It's your choice if you choose to tell anyone else (your parents, friends, etc,) and/or if you want to confront your brother. You don't have to protect his reputation either, by the way. If letting people know what happened will help you, then do it. And know that you're not obligated to tell anyone your story either. That's just fine as well.

I want you to know that experiences don't make you any less of a person, and you're not dirty because of what HE did. I know a lot of survivors feel that way, but just know that you're not dirty or corrupted or anything like that. I hope that through therapy you can regain a sense of ownership over your body.

I wish you all the luck and support.
2014-04-21 3:48 am
Thank you for reaching out for help. Abuse is something that should always be taken seriously, and there are hotlines you can call that can help you report any abuse that has occurred.

Sometimes it can help to talk to someone and tell them about what you are going through. Please know that there are people who can and will help you with what you are going through. You may want to consider talking with a counselor at a hotline. There are many hotlines that are 24/7 and will work with you and situations like yours. Some even have email and/or chat if you would prefer.

Please continue to reach out for help!


HW, Counselor
參考: Boys Town National Hotline -- Available 24/7 at 1-800-448-3000 -- Teens and Young Adults; http://www.yourlifeyourvoice.org/
2014-04-21 3:47 am
Tell your parents
2014-04-21 4:27 am
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2014-04-21 3:52 am
You should most definitely tell a psychologist...if that happened to me I would be traumatized!!! I totally recommend a psychologist...and if you haven't told your parents you probably should! And I can't tell just by this if they are gone or not but if they have passed away...USE A ******* WIJI BOARD OR WHATEVER THE HECK THAT THINGS CALLED CUZ THEY NEED TO KNOW!!!
2014-04-21 4:08 am
did you tell or not?

You are having flashbacks to something that " might" have happened?

Are you seeing a counselor now?
You should, but not for the reasons that you think.

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