What would cause someone to think this way about all men in general?

2014-04-20 8:11 pm
I'm a 24 year old female and have just been realizing that my view of the male gender might be a little flawed. Whenever I read the news and see an article about a male doing something that involves a lot of thought or critical thinking or doing something for others without an ulterior motive like sex...I'm surprised.

For example the other day I read an article about this guy whose 2 year old daughter suddenly died and he loved her so much that he had the idea to raise money for another family with a young daughter who couldn't afford taking her on vacations like disney world. Two reasons this surprised me...the outcome doesn't involve him receiving either sex or money but doing it to make someone else happy. Also, I'm going to add that I've dated only women up until this point because of the way I view men and I do have a brother and a father who are both good guys but feel that they only go so deep. Like I can't picture myself being romantic with a person that thinks about sex the majority of the time and has no other passions.

So, my question is..was my view of men correct or is this guy just rare?

回答 (6)

2014-04-20 8:15 pm
Because you are narrowminded. There are men who are simplistic and shallow but there are also men who are kindhearted and deep.
參考: 1
2014-04-20 8:27 pm
it's very hard not to see a flawed view of men look how the media portrays them, you have to remember any issues we deal with are human issues but feminism has made that harder and harder to see,

next time you see a news story and people have been murdered they only mention women and children as it sells a sympathetic story.

True story my ex girlfriend slapped me in the park she had slight abusive problems and there was a small child and a mother the child noticed and said look mummy that man was just hit and the mother responded no word of a lie "he probably cheated or something" now reading this might sound funny but the truth of the matter is we are all conditioned in our values it's only when we're shown 2 bits of different information we can really see a clearer image.

under what conditions is the real answer

we are all brought up with a mother and a father and we both are influenced by both but none of us think exactly the same,

Men and Women suffer from sexual addiction, Men and Women suffer from illnesses, and so on,

It is very easy to pick sides humans love labels but in reality nothing is as easy as it seems nothing is exact only as exact as our receptors let them to be, take glass under a microscope you won't think it's smooth anymore.
2014-04-20 8:13 pm
Well no not all men are focused entirely on sex. same with women. Everyone is different, and this not stop you from finding the right guy (if you prefer guys.)
2014-04-20 8:19 pm
I suspect you've had some bad experiences and they have colored your view of men when they should not have. This is how prejudice is built and I think there is something in us that makes us avoid something that causes us a lot of pain - it's the reason we don't put our hand on the hot stove anymore.

Rationally you know this is wrong so forgive what happened to you in the past and try to meet some decent men so that you start to have positive experiences. Good luck.
2014-04-21 1:57 am
You're right, women should agree to have sex whenever men want it, that way they'd be creating a society of equal opportunity and inclusiveness.
2014-04-20 10:05 pm
Your view of men is wrong. You are sexist. Maybe you should, like, talk to men sometime and get to know them instead of always making this bizarre assumption about every dude you see.

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