do you like school? and Why ?!?

2014-04-20 3:03 pm
I like school (I mean my friend ) i have a lot of fun theire yet exactly i don't like studing :p XD

回答 (6)

2014-04-20 3:05 pm
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Whenever I am at school I don't find it that bad but when I have been on a break, like now and think of school I just can't be bothered. I am not popular or pretty and I am quite shy so I don't have too many friends and feel awkward with other people. This makes me enjoy school a little less. Also the fact that I am doing my GCSE's this year makes me not enjoy it at all because I am full of revising and coursework but overall its not too bad.
2014-04-21 5:50 am
Ok so my school probably has he absolute worst teachers to ever exist on the planet, but I love all the students and the terrible teachers help us all bond because we have something to complain about lol. But other than the teachers, I like school since I stay out of girl drama and I'm extra activities like band and basketball
2014-04-20 10:57 pm
yeah I like it bc you can learn some interesting and useful things at school, and it's kinda fun being with friends and stuff. also, it keeps you productive, so you won't rot away at home and become this useless person who lies on the bed on your computer 24/7 (like many people do during long holidays). studying is pretty bad tho but for the most part, schools fine :)
2014-04-20 10:27 pm
I've been out of school for many years, but I liked it for the most part--joking around with the guys, flirting with the girls.

I just wasn't too big on the homework. I didn't mind having to do a couple of pages of math problems or a little assigned reading--well, actually I could get those things done in study hall.

I just hated the big projects--book reports, etc.
2014-04-20 10:04 pm
Nope I'm glad I'm don't with high school, college and grad school. However sometimes I wish I could go back because ow at 25, there are other pressures

Yeah I work full time, but it's why aren't you married, why don't you own a home, why I kids?
2014-04-20 10:03 pm

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