
2014-04-20 6:55 am
我份功課係要打英文,但我搵到既reference都係中文,咁我點做in-text citation?

回答 (2)

2014-04-20 5:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Writing the in-text citation words or lines taken from an English book or the speech;those official statement about something special that somebody has done or work, especially about acts of courage in a certain war means to write a citation for Bravery,eg.As a student of Liberial Studies etc.it is an act of citing or being passively cited. Suppose the in-text space printed out the citation of the Bravery example:-
(1)The Bravery of Events:-
The book printed out a citation of ten facts following the order.hence number the following 10 sentences in the right order given to you already.1--10.You should use the Chinese language to interprete and translate the main points and try to underline them.(= the10 points)
(2)For the reference in Chinese Language,applied your Chinese knowledge to interprete and try understand the similar 10 points+underlining them.
(3)Try fit in the 10 points in (2) to the other 10 points in (1). Hence something quite fit,agree,match here in in-text citation.Your experience would fit perfectly for the translation. From C/E you can express the meaning of the writing into plain English.You understand the particular meaning and meaning would not to be changed
I hope all the hard work will translate into success in your in-text citation.
2014-04-21 6:16 am
APA STYLE (In-Text Citation)

- Foreign Language Material

- References & examples:




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