Scorpio Ascendants do people call you unattractive and ugly?

2014-04-18 5:53 pm
I have Scorpio Ascendant and Pluto in 1st house and people call ugly

回答 (3)

2014-04-18 9:24 pm
Not even they call me pretty actually
參考: Scorpio rising and scorpio sun sign
2014-04-18 9:56 pm
Your Ascendant is your "social mask" that you put on when meeting people, and at social gatherings.

DNA, not your birthchart, controls what your body looks like.

I'm sorry you are being bullied. That is so unfair/

Myself, I also have Scorpio rising .. but I had very kind DNA.
2014-04-19 2:11 am
well, those people are not very smart then, are they? I don't think you are ugly. I mean, have you ever killed, or harmed someone? no, then there you go you are not ugly.

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