Which zodiac sign would most likely to get raped/molested?

2014-04-18 3:58 pm

回答 (9)

2014-04-18 5:06 pm
There is absolutely NOTHING in any area of a person's Natal Chart that would indicate their likelihood of getting raped.
This sort of thing has nothing to do astrology and everything to do with the sick bastards who need to be castrated for not understanding that no means no, not their victims.
2014-04-19 1:22 am
All of them, or none of them. Sun signs do not determine a persons fate; free will and chance does.
2014-04-18 5:45 pm
It doesn't depends on your zodiac sign. Bad things happen can to anyone, anywhere
2014-04-18 4:00 pm
certainly not pisces i'd like to think >.<


But i actually know a pisces who got raped
i also know someone born april 2 - don't know the zodiac sign for that
oh an another pisces person i remember too

(honest, but i'm not worried, i don't think it has anything to do with zodiac signs)
2014-04-18 5:12 pm
If you are a Victim of a Crime. The crime itself is not who you are, nor does the Universe configure the energies for this reason. If this were so, it is just a matter of time that everybody born on the same day and hour-will all be attacked within a 24 hour period .

Now that being said . One must look at the makeup of the Rapist for any deviant behavior in society. And it is not astrology or the same would apply as I noted above.
2014-04-18 5:01 pm
clearly Pisces, their head is always in the clouds! i doubt if they would even notice...
2014-04-18 7:33 pm
Aquarius and Leo.
2016-03-10 9:37 am
Napoleon was a Leo, Castro was a Leo, Obama is a Leo, Leo's are unstoppable Another one is Taurus, Hitler was something like an Ariestaurus, something about that time of year and power A lot of kings seem like they were cancers, Henry Viii of England, maybe it's because a king is usually a short fat guy who's a lot meaner than people think, until they piss him off and get axed Geminis, a lot of queens seem like Geminis, nobody's mentioned queens yet
2014-04-19 1:16 am
theres a taurus i know who was raped by both her father and brother....I'm glad she survived this and is strong enough to open her own NGO. sadly the rapists are out in the open..

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