How can I make friends at school when I am different from the others ?

2014-04-18 7:53 am
I am in Grade 10, I have one real best friend but she is not in my class. I have so friends too but they are like acquaintances more. The things I love are so different from my classmates. I love vintage things, Lana Del Rey and other singers but those friends love Kpop and modern things. I think I cannot talk about what they are talking so my status in their social circle is really low, like I am not the important one. In addition, they never talk to me on Whatsapp, kik after we have back home. They do not even say Happy Birthday to me but they are planning to buy cake to another who I also know... This hurt... Some are bright students at my class in the grade so basically I cannot talk with them. Some are neglected so I do not want to be their friends. What can I do? I feel frustrated. I want to make friends that are really nice and kind at school. I want to keep my real self to make friends. I think not loving Kpop builds a barrier between us but I really think that loving something that I do not like to make friends is not the right thing to do. Thank you :(

回答 (2)

2014-04-18 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Once you stop caring what other people think, it will radiate off you and they'll start to love you for it. Its weird and backwards but true.
2014-04-18 3:34 pm
Follow your heart and don't pretend to be someone you are not.

Start lying now, and it's going to become a habit. There is nothing wrong with having different interests than your friends.

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