I keep getting different results on the myers briggs personality indicator?

2014-04-17 8:16 pm
I've taken the test many times in the past 4 days and I always get ENFJ, INFJ and ISFJ. However, I read that ISFJs find it easily to fit in and make friends but I really really find it difficult to fit in and make friends. I'm just completely different. So I don't think I'm an ISFJ at all. What do I do though? How do I decide which one I am? I keep getting these 3 different results (mainly ENFJ). Just to let you know, I'm a charismatic person and I know for sure that I have amazing speaking skills; which are traits of the ENFJ. Can someone help me out here? Just a confused 16 year old

回答 (2)

2014-11-10 5:11 am
The test aren't all that accurate in determining one's mbti type. Also, nobody will posses 100% of any type's traits. A more efficient way of identifying your main type is to thoroughly study the eight cognitive functions. For a very simplified description of them, look for my post here (ignore the irrelevant info): https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20141015142032AA2ra9O

You may most likely be an ENFJ. You might even be an ESFJ despite not getting that result on the test.

INFJ: (see link above)
ISFJ: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140410153157AARgByq

ENFJ: dominant Fe, auxiliary Ni, tertiary Se, Inferior Ti
ESFJ: dominant Fe, auxiliary Si, tertiary Ne, Inferior Ti

Extroverted feeling dominants ESFJ and ENFJ live in a world of people, community, ethics, and group dynamics.

Stereotypically speaking...

Both the ENFJ and ESFJ posses a remarkable attunement to the emotional atmosphere of an environment (dominant Fe). They pick up on minute social cues and subtle signs of another's mood. They find pleasure in harmonious surroundings and know how to smooth their way out of, or dissolve, tense dynamics. They place value on respect, consideration, empathy, etc. However, they have difficultly thinking in a systematically logical, detached way (inferior Ti). Rationally, meticulously classifying, dissecting, and categorizing information, situations, and events is not their forte.

The ENFJ is better at seeing the trajectory and underlying trends of social occurrences due to being able to connect the dots between events (auxiliary Ni). The ESFJ is better at maintaining the homeostatic balance of an environment in an hands-on way using his precise sensory database of the past (auxiliary Si). Metaphorically, the ENFJ has a birds-eye view, seeing the bigger picture in situations, while the ESFJ has the eye of the tiger, zooming into the nitty-gritty details of a situation. The ENFJ has relative difficulty appreciating sights, smells, colors, etc. without conversing about them (tertiary Se). He somewhat relies on other people as catalyst to assist him in absorbing the sensuous pleasures in life. The ESFJ has a bit of trouble thinking outside the box and probing into the imaginary unknown (tertiary Ne). He sentimentally prefers, and latches onto, the familiarity and security of his memories.
2014-04-17 8:18 pm
Suggest to you to lie down in darkened room.
Might solve your dilemma

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