
2014-04-17 7:42 am
Tim went to Apple Study Room to do homework yesterday. He arrived at the
study room at 9:30am. There were thirteen people in the study room. They
were tall and smart. He started to do the homework at 9:42am. When a traffic
accident happened outside the study room, he was doing the homework.

小弟問問各位師兄師姐"There were thirteen people in the study room. They
were tall and smart." lee 兩句咁樣寫岩唔岩。另外其他句子有無錯。

回答 (4)

2014-04-20 5:31 am
Tim went to Apple Study Room to do his homework yesterday. He arrived the
study room at 9:30am. There were about thirteen people in the room and they all looked tall and smart. He started to do his homework about 10 minutes later. He was doing his homework while a traffic accident was happening outside the room.

D資料其實唔使比得咁準確, 如果真係要你就自己改番la...
2014-04-19 8:16 pm

There were thirteen people in the study room. They were tall and smart.

這兩句, 文法上冇問題, 但是意思上難以令人信服, 試想想, STUDY ROOM裏, 點會條條仔, 條條女, 都又高又正呢?

你見過自修室裏, 個個都係靚仔和正妹嗎? 自修室, 不是選美會休息室, 那裏來這麼多正妹呢? 無論如何, 除了這一句之外, 其餘都寫都好. 你好有心機, GOOD.
2014-04-18 5:58 am
Tim went to Apple Study Room to do his homework yesterday. He arrived there at 9:30am. There were thirteen people in the study room. They
are tall and smart. He started to do the homework at 9:42am. When a traffic
accident happened outside the study room, he was doing the homework.

幫你改左dd :)

第1句岩, 第2句係present tense, 人物tall and smart係不變既事. 所以唔會只係琴日先tall and smart 即係fact, 咁就應該用present tense. :)
參考: me
2014-04-17 9:23 am
嗰兩句個人認為冇乜問題,但既然係study room入面,可能都係students, 始終people太general,我會轉下wordings咁囉
參考: 自己

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