
2014-04-17 4:05 am
I went to Sue’s room to read a book yesterday. I arrived at the room at 10:30am. The room was big. There was a television in the room. A man was in the room. He was tall. The screen of the television was wide. I started to read the book at 10:41am. The book was interesting. While I was reading the book, my mother was washing dishes.


回答 (5)

2014-04-18 5:53 am
I went to Sue’s room to read a book yesterday. I arrived at there at 10:30a.m.. The room is big and has a television inside. A tall man was in the room. The screen of the television is wide. I started to read the book at 10:41a.m.. This book is interesting. While I was reading the book, my mother was washing dishes.

參考: me
2014-04-18 5:35 am
I went to Sue’s room to read a book at 1030am yesterday. The room is big. There is a television in the room. A tall man was in the room. The screen of the television is wide. I started to read the book at 10:41am. The book is interesting. While I was reading the book, my mother was washing dishes.

I started reading the book at 1041am - better English
I started to read the book at 10:41am - Ok in grammar but not good English

The room is big. There is a television. There is wide = use present tense because room was big yesterday and it is small today.
2014-04-17 4:32 pm
Error and correction on Grammatical Mistakes:-
I went to Sue's room to read a book at 10:30 am yesterday.
The room was too big with a wide screen television being laid (=put down position)
Not lies in (=be situated, be located, be horizontal)
(5)+(6)No need ;should be cancelled;un-related;(A tall man was in the room.)
I started to read the book,which was interesting, at 10:41 am.
While I was reading, my mother was washing dishes.
2014-04-17 9:15 am

I went to Sue’s room to read a book yesterday at 10:30am.

第三、四句如果係咁重提the room就會變得clumsy, 所以我都會combine佢:
The room was big and there was a television inside.

The screen of the television was wide. (A tall man was in the room.)

我覺得最後幾句都OK既,冇乜grammatical mistakes(?)
I started to read the book at 10:41am. The book was interesting. While I was reading the book, my mother was washing dishes.
參考: 自己,有錯歡迎指正
2014-04-17 6:57 am

第一,由第一句至第二句可以用得簡潔D, 一句搞掂。
Yesterday, i went to Sue's room to read a book at 10:30 a.m.

第四.第五句,以及第八句應合埋一齊講, 以及唔可以用「was a television」
When i arrived her room, there was too big and the big screen television was lay here.

i saw that a man was staying in the room, and he was tall.


2014-04-16 22:58:44 補充:
應該係When i arrived her room, there was too big and the big screen television was laid here.
參考: 我的很普通英文

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 21:18:20
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