
2014-04-16 7:56 pm
6月中去沖繩自由行, 4晚住那霸酒店. 請問行程

回答 (2)

2014-04-16 9:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am going to Okinawa next month(May), I can provide some info to you.
I know some sightseeing spots.
For further details, pls send msg to my email box: [email protected]
2014-04-16 10:48 pm
我有HXOkinawa 沖繩Smart Savings 智選遊自由行的單張, 另加自選Okinawa 沖 繩Okinawa Optional Item

你想要可send email 給我.
[email protected]

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