True or false: In the past few weeks you've watched at least ONE Rocky movie on AMC at least once?

2014-04-15 11:41 pm

回答 (8)

2014-04-15 11:43 pm
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"I must Break you"
2014-04-16 7:50 am
Stopped watching Rocky when Philadelphia State Council would not change the name on the statue to DAN.
2014-04-16 6:44 am
Not a fan of AMC.
Though I do have the VHS of Rocky 1 and 3
kind of makes me wonder what I missed in between...

If I haven't seen it it's new to me :)
2014-04-16 6:42 am
2014-04-16 6:42 am
2014-04-16 7:11 am
False, not lately.....!!
2014-04-16 6:56 am
2014-04-16 6:45 am
False. I don't watch TV at all.

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