Is science an enemy to religion? and why?

2014-04-15 11:29 pm

回答 (12)

2014-04-15 11:34 pm
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Science doesn't care about religion and most religions don't have any problem with science. Those that do are fundamentalists who can't distinguish between myth and reality or feel the need to assert that ancient myth must be literally true or god isn't.
2014-04-16 6:33 am
in a world were science was banned, i can guarentee you wouldn't be sat in front of your computer typing such idiotic questions.
2014-04-16 6:57 am
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions, nothing religious or spiritual...or about enemies

@Tinman- Science came from Christianity... sorry to burst your bubble but that is not true many cultures follow the same path of science... in an old example of simultaneous scientific discovery Aristotle and Kuan Tzu (4th century BCE), both mention that some marine animals were subject to a lunar cycle, and increase and decrease in size with the waxing and waning of the moon... thats 4th century BCE unless I remember wrong no Christian or Muslim exist at those times... the rest of your rant fall in your own bias
2014-04-16 6:45 am
Science itself is not an enemy to understanding God.
IMO, science illustrates that materialism does not have the basic attributes (philosophically or scientifically) to produce the world/universe we observe.

The question is in how the data is approached. Science is done on the basis of methodological naturalism; however some scientists insist on philosophical naturalism - a nonscientific conclusion based on their personal world-view.

Tinman has pointed out and supported that science is a product of a theistic world-view.

John Lennox (triple doctorate and professor of mathematics at Oxford) has put together a nice little book ‘God’s Undertaker, Has Science Buried God?’ in which he looks at the relationship between the two.

Other scientists have put together science-faith ministries. Here are a few sites:
2014-04-16 6:42 am
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.
2014-04-16 6:35 am
I have never seen the two as being at odds. I believe that God exists; I've never considered that belief to be at odds with the demonstrable principles of science.
2014-04-16 6:35 am
No because science points to God.
2014-04-16 6:32 am
if i win few million dollars in lottery, i will spend most of it on Hookers!
yes, thats what i am gonna do!!
2014-04-16 6:30 am
Education and reality is.

As for why, because faith does not work. Ever.
2014-04-16 6:31 am
Mostly to abrahamic religions, because science falsifies the fundamental part of it.

It's funny when the religious try to mix science with religion.

All it does is serve to degrade both.
2014-04-16 6:33 am
Not at all.

But pseudo science would be the exception. Pseudo science is not really "science" per se.

Many people do not realize that, and that's where the confusion starts.

And if you study the Bible, you will learn that the Bible is consistent with science 100%. For example, the bible talks about the earth being spherical and turning on an axis, and that God hung the earth from nothing. The bible talks about how water is recycled through rain, down rivers, into the ocean, and back into the sky through evaporation. No one knew any of this stuff back at the time it was written, which is evidence that God wrote the bible.

2014-04-16 6:32 am
Science came from Christianity, which proves that IGNORANCE (esp sinful willful ignorance) is the enemy of EVERYTHING.

Since you know nothing I don't enlighten you.

Only Christianity gave birth to science and there are many books that document this, but the grand points are these :


Because it is a literary religion based on sacred texts and informed by the writings of the early church fathers, Christianity was exclusively responsible for the preservation of literacy and learning after the fall of the Western Empire. This meant not only that the Latin classics were preserved but also that their were sufficient men of learning to take Greek thought forward when it was rediscovered.


As they believed in a law abiding creator God, even before the rediscovery of Greek thought, twelfth century Christians felt they could investigate the natural world for secondary causes rather than put everything down to fate (like the ancients) or the will of Allah (like Moslems).


Christians insisted that God could have created the world any way he like and so Aristotle's insistence that the world was the way it was because it had to be was successfully challenged. This meant that his ideas started to be tested and abandoned if they did not measure up.


features again and again in scientific writing. The early modern scientists were inspired by their faith to make their discoveries and saw studying the creation of God as a form of worship. This led to a respect for nature and the attempt to find simple, economical solutions to problems. Hence Copernicus felt he could propose a heliocentric model for no better reason that it seemed more elegant.

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