Is my dog pregnant?

2014-04-14 1:50 pm
The puppies were due yesterday however I decided that my dog was not pregnant because her teats have not swelled like dogs usually do and she looks no fatter than usual (despite the extra food I have been giving her- which makes me wonder what is happening). Today my friend came around and said to squeeze her teats so I did and the smallest trace of liquid came out of both of the back two. Not the others. Is it possible that she is pregnant despite not looking so? Also can the puppies be coming really late?

回答 (9)

2014-04-14 1:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Use this as a guide to help usually the teats would be significantly larger though... hope this helps and good luck :) what type of dog?
2014-04-14 1:58 pm
Take her to the Vet for an x-ray. If the x-ray shows there are no puppies, make an appointment to have her spayed.
2014-04-14 1:57 pm
So, you didn't take her in for any check ups even though you thought she was pregnant?? And STOP squeezing her nipples! Why do people insist on doing that?? Take her to the VET. None of us here can examine her and if we could, we're not qualified to give a diagnosis.
參考: experienced breeder
2014-04-14 1:57 pm
If you bred her and know the exact dates then it would be best if you took her to the vet and had them do an ultrasound or an x-ray to be sure. However it is possible that when she was bred she did not take. The only way to know for sure is to have the vet examine her.
2014-04-14 3:22 pm
I can't believe you need to be told to take that poor dog to the vet. While there, set up an appointment for her to be spayed.
2014-04-14 2:37 pm
If you had spayed her at six months as you should have you wouldn't be asking strangers on the net, a responsible breeder asks their breed mentor but obviously you are just another clueless BYB that probably has even taken your dog for prenatal care. If the dog survives spay her when the pups are stillborn or when they are weaned, of course if the dog dies then your problem is solved.
2014-04-14 4:21 pm
It's not unusual for a b itch to go over by a couple of days, especially if she only has a couple of puppies - often they just sit, growing bigger by the day and so more likely that she's going to need a C.Section.

STOP MILKING HER. There's no need and this doesn't automatically mean she's pregnant in any case. Have you seen any puppies moving around - this is usually seen from around week 7. If you can't account for every minute when she was last in season, she is most probably pregnant. But guess what, a trip to the vet NOW will confirm what's going on.

When this is all over, one way or the other, fgs get her spayed.
2014-04-14 3:46 pm
" I decided that my dog was not pregnant "

Are you God, or merely all-powerful?

BTW, learn how to spell "enema".
2014-04-14 8:56 pm
You didn't think to consult a vet? How about your breeding mentor?

Good lord, I hope you're trolling.

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