Name ideas for rooms in childcare centre?

2014-04-14 5:06 am
For my Cert 3 in Children services we have to come up with a childcare centre... which I have done, we also need to include group rooms (with ages).

Name: Open Arms Haven Childcare

Rooms names I've thought of are: Rainbow room, Cloud room and Haven room

Can I get some more ideas please

回答 (1)

2014-04-15 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
we had the bunny room the ducks the rabbits

other ideas for rooms would be colors or shapes..the circle room the square room the red room the blue room....

you could do numbered 1 room 2 room 3

2014-04-14 5:39 am
Room names:
World Series
Super Bowl
World Cup

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