I'm due for a new phone. Should I get another iPhone or try the samsung?

2014-04-14 12:40 am

回答 (9)

2017-02-16 6:09 am
參考: Seduce Girls Now http://SeduceAnyGirl.enle.info/?NBRR
2016-05-17 8:16 pm
The man usually makes the first move. Even if she’s interested in you, the most she’s likely to do is to stand near you or make eye contact a couple times to encourage you to approach her. Read here https://tr.im/qR3m3

Once you see her, don’t hesitate. 10 minutes from now she might not be there or another guy might have beaten you to the punch. Plus, women can tell when you’re working up the courage to approach. Shyness might be endearing in movies and romance novels, but it doesn’t work in the real world. Approach right away, even if you don’t know what you’re going to say
2014-04-17 3:23 am
Um, depends on u but is go for iPhone. iPhones are easy to use,
I heard people who are into computers nd stuff should go for the samsung. But I dunno. Hope I helped
2014-04-14 9:32 pm
Even after I found the hidden silence switch in my wife's iPhone, I still think I'm keeping my '4'. I can get the latest one (a 5c) this summer, but my Otter case is good and I don't use the networking of my phone as I also have a 4g Jetpack.

They say the new Samsung phones are slick, but others say it's cheap looking. I know how my iOS product works and I have all the apps I can use.

I'll stay with the 4.
2014-04-14 8:51 pm
Get the samsung. I'm not saying I don't LOVE the iPhone, but it's good to try both types of phones.
2014-04-14 5:34 am
Get another iPhone. Once you've been spoiled by iPhone, Samsung phones are likely to be a disappointment.
2014-04-14 1:01 am
Go to the phone store, then try out all the phones you can afford. Only then can you make a good choice on which phone would be best for you.

I prefer android phones, but "you" need to make your own choice , do ignore all the Android - Apple haters. I think you get more for your money with an Android phone, I really like the HTC One family of phones.
2014-04-24 9:56 pm
2014-04-14 12:44 am
get a new one

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