why do people like Nirvan's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" so much?

2014-04-13 7:30 am
I've never understood the appeal of that song.

回答 (10)

2014-04-13 2:57 pm
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Because it was very different from a lot of the music most people were hearing back in 1991. When you first heard that opening riff on the radio, you knew you were in for something.

But I also think it has to do with how often its played.
2014-04-13 7:40 am
It was and still is... one of the best songs ever

Picture it.. the 90s.. you are in highschool.. people are dressed in grunge.. baggy clothes and long hair.. bad hygeine.. and just didnt care

It was great... I wasnt in highschool at the time but I am guessing it would have been the bees knees
2014-04-13 7:33 am
Because it made candles popular again
2014-04-13 7:46 am
its a pretty good song - it was very fresh when it first came out - very influencial.

Not my fav nirvana song.. I think Drain You is my fav nirvana song.
2014-04-13 7:32 am
its kinda catchy
2014-04-13 7:32 am
Cause it was the sh*t back in the day. That and it really influenced music back then. Good luck to you.
2014-04-13 7:31 am
because it changed the history of music
2014-04-13 7:37 am
I think it influenced a whole new era, Idk I was like 5 LoL linkin park was my band LoL

2000s were the bestial ones xDD
2014-04-13 7:34 am
Nirvana play it better than nirvan ever could
2014-04-13 7:47 am
Because they wear flannel, lots of flannel.

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