
2014-04-13 3:37 am
The Drosophila genes vg(Vestigial wings) and cn(cinnabar eyes) are located at 70.0 and 55.0,respectively,on chromosome 2.A female from a homozygous strain of vestigial flies was crossed with a male from a homozygous strain of cinnabar flies. The F1 hybrids were phenotypically wildtype(long wings and dark red eyes)

(a)How many different kinds of gametes could the F1 females produce,and in what proportions

(b)If these females are mated with cinnabar,vestigial males,what kinds of progeny would you expect,and in what proportion?

我英文不好 用估狗翻譯有些片段真的完全搞不清楚
再來就是a題 問有幾種配子會在雌性染色體上生成,比例約為多少
我想問我要如何知道親代的基因應該是AA aa 甚麼的??

因為以前念一類組 突然來修這種課腦袋有點轉不過來

回答 (3)

2014-04-22 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2014-04-22 13:01:32 補充:
TheDrosophila genes vg(Vestigial wings) and cn(cinnabar eyes) are located at 70.0and 55.0,respectively,on chromosome 2.A →果蠅的v基因和c基因是位在第二對染色體上的兩個非等位基因。且相距15(70-55)互換單位。femalefrom a homozygous strain of vestigial flies was crossed with a male from ahomozygous strain of cinnabar flies(eyes). TheF1 hybrids were phenotypically wildtype(long wings and dark red eyes)→f1子代基因型為VvCc(野生型)表型為顯性。
(a)Howmany different kinds of gametes could the F1 females produce,and in whatproportions→f1雌蠅可產生多少種配子?比例為?f1子代基因型為VvCc 。也就是兩對異型合子,故按孟氏遺傳法則,其配子有4種,應為1:1:1:1。但此兩對基因是同位於同源染色體上,互換率為15%。因此實際上用莫甘氏聯鎖互換原則應為42:42:8:8。(b)Ifthese females are mated with cinnabar,vestigial males,what kinds ofprogeny would you expect,and in what proportion?→若此雌蠅和純隱性雄蠅交配(此為試交),請估計後代的種類和比例。F1試交和其配子比率相同,仍為42:42:8:8。如有疑議請補充!我可以針對您的問題再解說。
參考: 本人(教生物的)
2014-06-11 4:44 am
2014-06-05 2:37 pm


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