請問 「禪悅為食」和「過午不食」的英文怎麼說?

2014-04-12 4:44 pm
請問出家師父 「禪悅為食」和「過午不食」的英文怎麼說?


回答 (3)

2014-04-12 7:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is from "食事偈":

(Verse Before Eating, 食前偈)
Now as we receive food and drink, 若飮食時
may all living beings, 当願衆生
take the joy of mediation for food, 禅悦為食
being filled with delight in the Dharma 法喜充満

過午不食 = NFAM = No Food After Meridiem (正午)

We usually use
A.M. = Ante Meridian
P.M. = Post Meridian

2014-04-12 13:11:52 補充:
The "Meridiam" in "Ante Meridiam" and "Post Meridiam" shall spell as "Meridiem". It is Latin.

2014-04-13 07:02:30 補充:
Master rjamesho! Yes, that makes more sense! Thanks!
2014-04-13 11:04 am
I think you meant "take the joy of meditation..."
2014-04-12 5:00 pm
「禪悅為食」是"Zen for food."
參考: google

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