RE: a Christian father asked about what he should tell his children about Prornography?

2014-04-12 1:15 am
A few minutes ago, a father was in a situation that caused him to ask what he should tell his children about pornography. Unfortunately, that question was deleted. If you all will allow me to, i would like to enter my response to him here in case he is still reading Y!A or if someone else can use it. If you have any other ideas that might help him, his wife, and his children with their situation, i invite you to add them. T ~~~~ "May i offer better option, Sweetie?; share with them about the healthy relationship that God/Jesus Christ intends to exist between a husband and wife. New Life Ministries (, Focus on the Family, and Family Life Today have books, tapes, etc. that might help you do that. Also, New Life Ministries has a program for men struggling with pornography .... and their wives, if your wife is interested. I'd recommend that you start with the book "The Gift of Sex", a Christian book along the line of "The Joy of Sex", just from the Christian perspective. If i think of another resource, i will add it to this answer. Please know that i will be keeping you, your wife, and children in my thoughts and prayers

Remembered: New Life Ministry's program is "Every Man's Battle" with the wife's support program (also, books); the woman's version is "Every Woman's Battle" --- some churches near U might be offering them. Also, Promise Keepers. FOF & FLT help parents explain sex to children (age appropriate ~~~ if parents don't tell their children, the world & pornography will ---- that's what happened with me ... and probably what happened with you)

回答 (5)

2014-04-12 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
IF you would like to become more serious with your family; perhaps you would like the GloryStar Satellite dish that one buys, then gets over 70 Christian TV stations for FREE! No monthly charges! It gas 3 news stations. Get all sex shows out of your life!
參考: Bible
2014-04-12 1:17 am
Followers of Ken Hamm typically report anything to do with sex or masturbation. It's most likely the fundamentalist's children coming on here to ask questions that they would fear being beaten with stick if they asked their parents
2014-04-12 1:17 am
How about, masturbation is perfectly normal and you shouldn't feel bad for doing it, just never do it in public.
2014-04-12 1:17 am

What would Jesus spam?

I know that you're trying to be helpful but you're going to end up with this reported and there's always Christian forums...
2014-04-12 1:36 am
You just say one quick simple little phrase "Ill tell you when you're older"

Is that difficult?

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