My Wife's new boss calls her "Love" and she doesn' t like it!?

2014-04-11 8:28 pm
She has been working as a chef at her hotel for 7 years, managers seem to come and go but this new one who started a couple of weeks ago won't call her by her name but just calls her "Love"....she wants him to stop!!

回答 (8)

2014-04-12 7:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When he says it next, she should say "Jane". If that doesn't sink in, keep saying her name until he gets the message. If it help at work I get called Babe or Babes, hun (which I loathe) and Chrissy which is by invitation only :)
2014-04-12 7:15 pm
It's a bad habit of mine too,I'm bloody useless remembering names,until they sink in,I mean nothing negative by it,but I do understand some object to it
I DO try.
2014-04-11 11:52 pm
From all the chef's I know, there isn't a one who doesn't say what's on their mind. She needs to learn the word STOP and tell him to just do so. She can then be more secure if he keeps doing, i=to then threaten him with a harassment complaint.
2014-04-11 8:30 pm
Has she a tongue in her head? If so she should use it.
2014-04-12 12:32 am
So simple. She needs to talk to him in private and tell (not ask) him to stop addressing her thus and use her name. Period. If he does not acquiesce, she needs to report him.
2014-04-11 9:23 pm
Where I come from Love is just a casual way of addressing some one akin to mate
2014-04-11 8:31 pm
theres a word thats so powerful not even Kim Jungun could stop it. The word is STOP
2014-04-11 8:30 pm
It's inappropriate in a professional work environment to call an employee "love". She should tell her manager it makes her uncomfortable, then if he doesn't comply respectfully then report him.

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