Poll: Did you get an email from Yahoo Answers?

2014-04-11 9:50 am
With a survey about the new layout?

回答 (18)

2014-04-11 10:04 am
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G'day Mel, yes a few days ago

Yahoo! Answers Team
To Me

9 Apr

Very good point, Dan. Thanks for your feedback! We'll be setting something up very soon where we'll be listening more and trying to make some changes that will make our community happy. The purple format is here to stay, but perhaps we can compromise. Stay tuned for that stuff!

Feel free to email us with feedback anytime. We really are listening!

Thanks again,

Yahoo Answers Team
2014-04-11 10:42 am
Yahoo loves Dan.-- my bet is they're related,
2014-04-11 10:11 am
No the only email I got was a violation for a question that didn't show up which no one answered.
I've heard some people getting that though.
2014-04-11 10:09 am
Yes, Yesterday :)
2014-04-11 2:10 pm
2014-04-11 12:55 pm
Yep, few days ago - I did complete it
2014-04-11 12:34 pm
Nope. They don't wanna hear from me.
2014-04-11 12:24 pm
Why answer it, the purple format is here to stay.
The green format was a 100 times better.
2014-04-11 11:45 am
2014-04-11 10:58 am
2014-04-11 10:35 am
yup sure. It is possible in new layout, which is very good.
2014-04-11 10:25 am
no :(
2014-04-11 10:23 am
Yes I did but it was not like some of the others that are mentioned, it wanted me
to do a survey
2014-04-11 10:12 am
Yes, hopefully it will do some good
2014-04-11 10:09 am
i'm checking my inbox
2014-04-11 10:02 am
no, but then again I don't check my e-mail I just made one so I can come on YA
2014-04-11 9:58 am
Yes. I felt very special.
2014-04-11 9:52 am
yes.. it was like the purple format, lol

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