英文文法問題,pls help

2014-04-11 9:38 pm
If your mother saw you do that , she be very upset.

回答 (5)

2014-04-11 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If your mother saw you do that, she [would] be very upset.

2014-04-11 14:58:28 補充:
這是 type 2 conditional,暗示所述的都是不可能的假想。if 部分是用 past tense,另外的是用 would/could 等 modal verbs + bare infinitive

2014-04-11 15:00:05 補充:
這兒暗示 你媽見到你做那些事 是不可能的
2014-04-14 4:28 pm
type 2 conditional 的 if clause 是用 past tense, 但是整句子 meaning 是應用在 present 或者 future上
If + past tense, would/could + bare infinitive

七瀨遙已經清楚答了, TOMING88 是講多錯多
"type (2) opposite to the future fact hypophesis" ~ 錯 (不單是 spelling 錯)
2014-04-12 10:02 am
If your mother saw you do that, she be very upset.
My adjustment: If your mother saw you doing that, she would be very upset.
My explaination is If..(there are two verbs saw and do)....that so "do" should be changed to "doing" to modiffy that. In addition, she..be...............upset owing to the subjunctive mood it is necessary to add "would "prior to "be."
參考: Myself
2014-04-12 1:18 am
If your mother saw you do that, she [would] be very upset.

2014-04-12 12:27 am
This is Subjunctive mood,type (2) opposite to the future fact hypophesis:-eg:-
If your mother saw you do that, she (would be ) very upset.
---saw=would see=conditional clause
---would be=(will) modal verb +do be verb=main clause
eg:-Your mother were upset, if she (would see) you doing that.
-----were=past tense
----would see= a clause +bare infinitive
eg:-If she (were to) see you do that, she (would be ) upset.
------were to+verb to be shows impossible future fact
------would be=verb + bare infinitive be
The subjunctive forms are used in a small number of constructions, rather literary.
The Present Subjunctive form of to be is be for all persons;also without the --s ending.
The Past Subjunctive is identical with the Simple Past Tense Indicative, except the verb to be has were for all persons.

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