
2014-04-11 10:53 am

回答 (4)

2014-04-12 5:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Decision making of business plan
1.做一些比較擅長的東西如畫畫, 試上網拍賣看看反應(市場調查)
3.專心研究投資股票, 西洋牌術(如果你懂, 它只是一項投資不是賭傅, 戴老師),

Marketing strategy
1.marketing mix is 7 ps inclusing product, promotion, place and position, people, process and physical evidence(shop design)
2. Specific product have its own characteristic or competitive advantage(you cannot find other in your country)
3. Promotion, the cheaper one utilize the online forum(Facexx) and free channel like Youxxx.
4.Place is as close as your inventory or supplier. Shorter the delivery and lower the operating cost. Choose the region that is less competitor.
5. People, hire good employee and also target market(key customer) is important for segmentation. Understand what The customer you serve, the idea is easier to fulfill their needs.
6. Process is hard but worth because you will learn a lot. For startup company, you may do everything in store. if you have money, ask friend or hire 1 or 2 employee to help you.
7.shop design is simple, tidy and low cost. Keep the expense low.

Remember to keep improvement and be innovative for your product.

Have fun and good luck. ^^
2014-04-13 5:47 am
2014-04-11 5:41 pm
我覺得你可以先成立一間無限公司, 然後向批發(睇你對邊類產品有興趣入貨啦)入貨, 再在網上或實體舖賣出去。(拍賣/網上商店/甚至係在手機app度賣、facebook之類)

或者掉番轉, 有單你先去入貨都得, 你喜歡~
2014-04-11 3:24 pm

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