can someone translate this Hindi passage?

2014-04-11 6:09 am

回答 (2)

2014-04-11 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
what is reverse dowery system? after spoiling relations with husband, relatives of wife; for divorse and big money, file false complaint against husband. as they know well that, after one true/false evidence of wife police without inquiry send all the family of husband to jail and all of them wander for justice to courts at different level (taluk, district,highcourt). this bad habit has been spread upto tier-2 small cities, where girls are well/high educated. remind it: beware of such type of girls and their family. these type of " innocent" families will not dare to try this tradition. Shweta Singh, BADLATA SAMAJ PATRIKA (NAME OF THE EDITOR AND MAGAZINE)
2014-04-11 6:21 am
Yes. Anyone who can read it can translate it for you.

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