Older spaceship game?

2014-04-09 7:06 pm
I remember playing this game back in grade school (8-12 years ago) and I am none too sure on the specific story line.

You play as a ship captain, going around space and different galaxies, hunting pirates and doing different jobs for cash, which you had to use on fuel emergency escape pods, new ships, weapons, and etc. You had to acquire permission to land on a planet, and depending on your standing, may have been denied this. You could either do "bad" jobs and become more of a pirate, or "good" jobs for the Federation/Empire.

I know for a fact this isn't a star wars game though...

I checked that out Cantra, and those graphics are, well, too "New" to be it. Also looks too good to be it. I wish I could be of more help here...

回答 (2)

2014-04-09 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Definitely one of the 'Elite' games, I suspect it's Elite 2: Frontier.
2014-04-19 7:28 pm
I don't know of any games like this, but i do have something related for you. How about the Halo games? It's a great game series an i like it a lot! But other than that, sorry that I cant help.

Yours truly,

P.S. Can you help? My question is "Help With A Minecraft Statue?" Thanks!

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