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China has become the world's number one producing country, and the first major exporter, China will also become the world's largest consumer. Furniture from the production stage of development in China, market entry stage of brand development.
At present, due to ignore the brand construction of market system in the furniture industry, value chain rupture caused manufacturers and distributors in the market, causing separation of the interests of manufacturers and distributors in the marketing, furniture brands did not materialize from brand to brand's real breakthrough, failed to truly reflect the market value of the brand.
Change this market model and vendor relationships, non-plant power can do, must be the consolidation of the industry, forming a close Alliance to face.
Furniture Association of Hong Kong, after many years of development and growth, has become one of China's most influential organization in the furniture industry. Through their influence and appeal, Hong Kong furniture Association, decided that the Coalition closely market vendors join forces to reorganize new market system, in favour of brand-building, opening up new base platform, so as to further reflect and promote the brand Hong Kong's market value.
Innovation market "brand Hall"
In recent years, according to the furniture industry from "phase" to "brand stage" trends, Hong Kong furniture Association tries to "brand" and "bases" strategic height, and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing collaboration "brand Hong Kong Pavilion" brand the market mode of intensive operation, so as to seek a far wider more stable in the market of sustainable development approaches.
Market marketing
2014-04-10 17:28:31 補充:
因字數限制,所以{[(香港家私协会密切关注国际展览会和行业动向,收集更多、最新的国际行业资讯,加强对产业新模式的探讨,积极开辟新兴市场,组织会员企业考察市场,寻找国内外合作伙伴。2013年已经和浪度“九州城”、中国家具CBD、好百年、意凡家居、第六空间家居集团、名家居世博园等单位达成战略合作协议。在家具产业新的方向上,为会员提供机遇和平台,带领大家抢先占领新兴市场。)]}不能翻譯,piease check bing翻譯. sorry!