How can I remove stripped valve stud on sbc cylinder head?

2014-04-09 7:04 am
Im replacing all of my stock rockerarms with rollers and while unscrewing the valve stud lock nut it completely stripped out the stud. I cant screw anything onto it. Any suggestions would be helpful as a do it yourself. Machine shop is last resort.

回答 (4)

2014-04-10 1:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can try getting a reverse twist drill bit. Just a little under sized. This works if broke off flush. There is also a stud remover tool if it is treaded into the head and some projects out. There are at least two variations on this. Irwin tools makes one and the other can be found at sears (and maybe other places).
More then likely the head could use some work any way! Three angle valve grind and other freshing items.
2014-04-09 8:44 pm
If you mean the rocker-arm stud, is it threaded into the cylinder head or is it pressed in? Your local Chevrolet dealer has oversize press-in studs. If it's 3/8 threaded stud, tap the hole for a 7/16 rocker-arm stud. You then will need one odd-ball 7/16 rocker arm.
2014-04-09 8:33 pm
HI if you are trying to screw out the old stud Maybe try a pair of vise-grips..
good luck
參考: 45 years experience
2014-04-09 2:11 pm
Try a wedged stud remover. may have to go to a tool truck to buy one. Snap-on
參考: Retired Mech

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