What is the US movie title? (see detail below)?

2014-04-09 6:13 am
I forget an US movie's title. But I have some clues from the scenes as shown below:

This movie should be a romantic movie.

Scene-1: An engaged man met a woman on the cruise ship. (It may be a 7-day trip on ship)
Scene-2: The woman was also engaged.
Scene-3: The man took the woman to his aunt's house on an island during the cruise trip.
Scene-4: The man and the woman fall in love each other during the cruise ship.
Scene-5: The man and the woman made an arrangement to meet together again on a city's building.
Scene-6: Before the woman went to that building, the woman got an car accident.
Scene-7: The woman bought the man's painting after the car accident.
Scene-8: The man went to the woman's house, and found out his painting there.

Please think what the movie title is. Thank you.

Thanks all of you. I have remembered the title. (1) "An affair to remember" (1957) (2) "Love affair" (1994) I was looking for the 1994 movie. But I will see 1957 movie as well.

回答 (1)

2014-04-09 6:18 am
Sounds like "An Affair To Remember" from 1957, a drama/romance.

Hope I helped :)

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